Dream It, Do It! It's Never Too Late and You're Always Young Enough

When I was a teenager, I read a book called “Dove” about a 16 year-old boy named Robin Lee Graham who did a solo sail around the world in a 24-foot boat. As I was growing up in my family, we had a motorboat when I was very young, and then we later got into canoeing. But there was something about Robin’s description of the sailboat and being out on the open sea with the wind in the sail that absolutely mesmerized me. It deeply captured a part of my spirit.
Since then, I’ve longingly said, “I want to go sailing.” I so wanted to be out on the water in that new and different way. I love the forests, the mountains, the valleys, the deserts of this gorgeous planet Earth, but there is a special relationship my heart has with being out on the water.
I write this now at my desk, still feeling the after effects of the motion of the boat from my very first sailboat excursion! Today I sailed Puget Sound! I still feel as if I am bobbing up and down as I have a huge smile across my face. After all, this only took a mere 35 years from that first seed to the first sail to manifest! It was a dream come true.
Every day that we are still on the planet is a day to fulfill our dreams, live out our “bucket list” items, and go where we have never gone before. It is in our very nature to be curious and explore in this life.
I have been very determined lately to circulate some new energy in my life of excitement, passion, enthusiasm, and abundance. And, I’ve been feeling the urgency of there is no time like this present moment. There is no other moment better than right now. Let life inspire you into action. Let others, or let me inspire you into the deeper magic and mysteries of your own life.
And, of course, I am wildly celebrating the absolute miracle of now being able to have the strength in my body and balance to maneuver on a moving, “heeling” boat (I’m learning the lingo here). It’s so remarkable. I couldn’t have physically done this last year. I was so exhausted, too weak, had serious balance and nervous system issues, and extreme dizziness. I was barely walking on land. If someone had told me then I soon would be walking on a sailboat out on the water, it would have been easy to envision, but so hard to actually believe ;)
To now be healed enough to be “heeling” on a sailboat (hahaha) in the glorious Seattle summer sun felt extraordinarily epic. I had my “Dove” moment. There was SO much to celebrate! I was at the helm for 20-30 minutes and the feeling was surreal and dreamy....truly heaven on Earth. I am in awe of life. Its timing and unfolding is always perfect, even when for so long it can feel like it’s not. We can NEVER miss out on what we are destined to experience.
Now I’m taking sailing classes to be a proper crew member. Thanks to my amazing skipper, Rich, today, and fellow crew -- Suzanne, Gloria, and Jaclynn.
And thank you Life for dream come true adventures. I am grateful to my core.
***What is your dream you can take steps toward today and let life show you the way?***
Wishing you smooth sailing on the sea of life,
P.S. Here is some video from the day: First Sailboat Trip Out on Puget Sound - please subscribe to my YouTube channel for other soul-nourishing peaceful, joyful videos.
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