When Your Bright Light Triggers Others

In the grandest, most cosmic sense in the Universe, no right, no wrong, just choices to choose in any given moment. What to do when your bright light triggers the unresolved shadow in others to rise to the surface?
Well, you can choose to try to dim your light, adjust it down to make it more pleasing and comfortable for others. You can turn it off and put it away. OR, you can keep shining, serving your higher and greater purpose of being on the planet at this time, and being an effervescent healer of the light just by being as you so naturally are. At your core, you KNOW who you are and why you are here. It's just the vocal and persistent doubts and insecurities that bubble up to claim otherwise.
We each serve each other so well and so perfectly with our interacting energy fields, and with our light. Each relationship and human interaction, whether just a brief glance and hello, or a lifetime of the most delicious intermingling, is such a rich opportunity to learn, grow, expand all aspects of ourselves, and to know what it is to truly love.
Now is the time to embrace where we are happy, confident, and intuitively strong. It is time to believe in ourselves and that there is no way we could possibly be on any other path, but our own perfect path. It is time to feel into our rootedness and groundedness, and to transform our self-talk of “I’m strange, bad, wrong, or worthless,” into “I’m sane, I’m awesome, and I deserve the best in life. I deserve to be honored and loved as never before!” I start this celebratory party train by loving myself right here, right now.
Today I choose to keep on shining my light into all corners of the Earth, just as I am, believing in myself as a unique spark of the Divine, for the benefit of all!
And so it is.
Peace, peace, peace to all hearts,
Julie Dittmar
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