Healing Ringtone
Over the 13 years I was a co-teacher on stage with Matt Kahn, we had so many requests from our audiences for recordings of the things they were most profoundly moved by that we offered live. After we led the infamous “place your hand on your heart and repeat after me I love yous” at our events, people would exclaim, “I want that as a ringtone for my phone!”
Healing Ringtone
So, we delivered three different healing experience to delight the soul every time your phone rings. We can never have enough reminders in our day to love ourselves and others to feel good now!
This ringtone is a heart-opening 30-second excerpt of the longer I love yous from the Sacred Heart Meditation digital download. It is set to healing music from Thaddeus, LuminEssence Productions, called “Blending with Your Soul.”