The I Love You Meditation
The I Love You Meditation
Total running time: 15:43 minsThis “I love you” mantra, used regularly, miraculously transforms one’s experience of life in both subtle and significant ways. It helps you to build new and powerful neural pathways for a renewed sense of self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-expression, and self-love.
Julie Dittmar’s soothing voice is combined with Solfeggio frequencies which vibrate at 528Hz, the love frequency of the heart, to allow an experience of deep healing and heart opening so that love may be freely given and received. Through repeated listening, you will tap into the grace of worthiness, the warmth of existential bliss, and a more expansive sense of radiance, harmony, and well-being.
Choose your own level of interactivity by speaking out loud “I Love You” along with this recording, or simply just sit back and relax and allow the biolateral sounds to sweep back and forth like a massage of healing frequencies across the brain. The subtle and powerful movement of sound maximizes the relaxation of the nervous system and the balancing of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
To optimally experience the rich textures and multidimensional, intentional frequencies of this recording, it is recommended that you wear headphones, or position yourself between two speakers. This will maximize and deepen the relaxation response.